Wellness tips: How to stay sane in lockdown

As we near the end of the first week in official lockdown I can see some people are fairing better than others.

I have been quarantined for 3 weeks today after coming down with COVID-19 quite early, so I’ve had my fair experience of being locked down.

I thought I would share some advice as to how to stay sane and the best way to manage your days!

Here’s my list of top things to make you feel in control while this strange time continues:

  • Have a sleep routine and try to set a bed time to stick to. Getting into a routine can help to balance your mental health and help you take some control back.

  • When you wake up, make your bed, and open your windows/curtains. Let in the natural light and air, this should help you feel like you aren’t so isolated and trapped.

  • As being locked down removes all forms of our day-to-day routine it’s important to keep some structure to your day, 

    I would recommend keeping a to-do list. Write down everything you might have been putting off or avoiding, to keep you preoccupied. The longer tasks can be spread over a few days or weeks, and the shorter tasks can be mixed with fun activities for day-to-day jobs. If you are still able to work from home, this could be a good distraction, and use your lunch break to get outside and take a walk (if your government allows it).

  • Try to do jobs that you were doing before the lockdown, e.g. if you had a clothes washing day, or self-care evening still make sure you are doing this. This will trick your brain to still feel like you have a bit of normality even if everything else has done a complete 180.

  • Find time to focus on your hobbies you may have stopped doing, or been distracted from. If you didn’t have one or can’t do your hobbies, make new ones, find time to educate yourself, build something, make something, do a puzzle, challenge yourself, it can be anything, from reading a book, doing some art, build a new piece of furniture or fix one you already have.

  • Try to limit unnecessary time on your phone/laptop, the world at the moment is very uncertain so being switched on all the time and on social media can mess with your head. Even if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic, this is still something you could do for your mental health. Take a day for a digital detox, and try to avoid/ or limit your time spent on your devices.

  • Set times for the activities you are doing, and make sure to change between them, you don’t want to get bored or start hating what you are doing, as this can further leave you upset that you are in lockdown.

  • Spend time with those in your house, as this is time you may not get again. Make the most of who you are surrounded by.

  • Use tools like house party or FaceTime to stay in contact with friends and loved ones.

  • Volunteer to help in your community, if you are healthy and bored, why not volunteer to assist and bring groceries to those who aren’t able to? This is a feel good job as you are helping those in need, and a good time waster, it also means you can get some time outside.

  • If you are lucky enough to have a garden, make the most of it and get some fresh air, the weather in London has been lovely the last few weeks so make sure you make the most of the vitamin D.

  • Try not to obsess over what you would be doing if you were not quarantined, or how long you are going to be inside, as this can drive you crazy when these thoughts come into your head. Try to distract yourself and think about the present, go for a stroll and remind yourself you still have some freedom. Remind yourself that you are more privileged than a lot of people.

Remember the most important thing, if you feel overwhelmed it’s okay to waste time and not do anything productive, these are tough times for everyone mentally so remember it’s okay to do nothing.

Celebrate the small achievements, whether it’s just having a shower or brushing your teeth, you are fighting the virus and managing in your own way! Your mental health comes first.

Stay safe and follow the advice! Do what your body and mind feel like and don’t force yourself to do too much because you are comparing yourself to online versions of peoples lives.

Lots of love to you all

Ciara xox

Ciara Hynes